The CTR and how to calculate yours
What is CTR?
One of the email metrics that gives you direct feedback on how your customers are engaging with your email content is Click Through Rate (CTRClick-through rate (CTR) Wyrażona procentowo ilość osób, które kliknęły np. reklamę kontekstową lub link sponsorowany w stosunku do liczby ich wyświetleń w wiadomości wysłanej w ramach danej kampanii. Im wyższy CTR, tym więcej wejść na reklamowaną stronę.). This metric represents the number of clicks on links in your newsletter.
By tracking and analyzing your CTRs you can figure out what does and what doesn’t work for them. This insight on which links in your emails are getting clicked is one of the key indicators of your campaign’s success.
How is CTR calculated?
CTR is expressed in percentage terms and is the relationship between the number of unique clicks on one link in your message and the total number of messages delivered in a given campaign.
For example, if you delivered 1000 emails in a campaign and 250 people click on a link that you include, then your CTR is 25%.
Remember that even if a particular subscriber clicks multiple times, your CTR represents only the number of unique individuals who click one or more links.
Where to find your CTRs in FreshMail?
Choose Campaigns/Reports from the main menu and click the campaign you would like to check. You will be able to see your clicks on a ‘snapshot’ tab in the form of a pie graph:
and as well as at the bottom of the screen:
What is the average CTR?
The average CTR depends on many factors, including how big your email list is, it’s hygiene and your deliverability rate. CTR alone is a good email engagement metric, but it’s always better to compare it with your Open RateOpen rate (OR)Procentowy wskaźnik, który pokazuje stosunek unikalnie wyświetlonych wiadomości do wiadomości wysłanych. and draw better conclusions. For example if a certain campaign achieves a high OR it means that it sent at the right time, made it through anti-spamSpamNiechciana wiadomość komercyjna. Zdarza się, że odbiorcy uznają za spam każdy mailing, którego nie chcą już więcej otrzymywać, nawet jeśli wcześniej zapisali się do listy odbiorców. filters and it’s subject line and sender name convinced the recipient to open it. But if at the same time it has low CTR, it means something else about the newsletter was off.
How to improve your CTR?
- Use Personalization. Send emails that individual customers will truly love. The best way to make subscribers click is to deliver personalized and relevant content in each email message.
- Pay attention to CTA. Give your customers a clear path to follow towards conversion and align your CTA to the goal of the email. Use buttons and colours to distinguish your CTA from the message content.
- Images are not displayed by default in many inboxes, use ALTs to describe each graphic element. You can be creative and add text that will convince the recipient to download images manually.
- Use second person language because pronouns like “you,” “your,” and “yours”, direct subscribers to take action. Also use verbs – these are action words that come extremely helpful in subtle persuasion.
- Support your offer with testimonials. This technique is called social proof and is based on the idea that people usually tend to follow the crowd.
- Evoke emotions to draw greater engagement with rich media, leverage GIFs and video.
- Send responsive emails. Design your message with the mobile user in mind to not to loose CTR’s from mobile channel.