MailerLite FreshMail and MailerLite are uniting to create the ultimate email marketing platform in Poland

Anna Łowczowska

Email marketing – still on top

Recent research has once again confirmed what we here at FreshMail know very well. It’s something that often gets lost in the media buzz over things like social media and new ways of connecting with consumers but anyone responsible for a company’s online sales knows that is it true.

What strategies will we see in the future of ecommerce?

Over the past few years, the retail industry has seen a virtual explosion of new business coming from smartphones and other mobile devices. This development gives retailers the opportunity to greatly expand the reach of their businesses. The days of the local or regional retailer are disappearing rapidly, and a new era of retail with a truly global reach and potential customer base is rapidly emerging to take its place.

Shockvertising – does it have more pros or cons?

Marketers face the double challenge of getting their message to stand out in a world crowded with advertisements and getting that message to stick in consumers’ minds. Using surprising and unusual images is probably the oldest trick in the bag for this task and we have all seen ads that succeed by giving us an unexpected twist.

Email marketing’s top 5 most (un)wanted

Be on the lookout. There are things out there that can reduce your email marketing efforts to nothing but a pile of wasted keystrokes and bandwidth. These five culprits could kill your email marketing strategy. Here is a brief description of them and some information on how you can keep them from thwarting your plans.

A closer look: using customer personas to increase conversions

As marketers, we tend to define our target audience through demographics. We consider genders, ages, socioeconomics, geolocations, purchasing behaviors, and more. But, the truth is, there’s a whole other piece to building that customer profile and full customer persona.

Publicity – make it works for you!

Publicity is the lifeblood of any actor on the public stage and it’s generally agreed that more is better. Anything that gets your name or product in front of consumers is should be welcomed. While you can’t control what is said and written about you, your company should have some kind of strategy in place to manage your name and image to the greatest extent possible and to use whatever you can to your advantage.

How to write a good email – tips for copywriters

Clear and compelling copywriting is essential to the success of any effective email campaign. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that an attractive, visually appealing newsletter will be enough to engage your subscribers. Without clear and concise information regarding what is being offered or promoted, your message will not deliver the results you are looking for.

How your online shop can benefit from email marketing

As an online retailer, you should remember that communication with your customers via email should be an integral part of your marketing strategy. We know that not only do customers prefer to receive communication from you in this form but also that it is the most effective way to get results. Is a newsletter all you can get from the email marketing?

Newsletter popup – use it right please!

Having an adversarial relationship with your subscribers is obviously something you want to avoid. Let’s use this as a starting point when discussing how to use popups as part of your marketing strategy. Popups are a powerful tool that can bring great benefits when used properly but also do great damage when used carelessly.