Import your contacts from anywhere, anytime

FreshMail makes it easy to manage and update your subscribers. Import from .csv or .xls, or upload contacts from Google, Basecamp, or other online services. Any duplicates are automatically detected and removed.

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Import Contacts

Subscriber insights

Get to know each of your subscribers with in-depth activity profiles. Learn more about their clicks, messages opened, subscriber location, email clients used, and more.

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Recipient Analysis

Quick sign-up forms

Place a simple sign-up form on your website in just a few clicks and make it easy for new subscribers. The form will automatically add new subscribers to your contacts.

Registration form

Collect addresses wherever you are

Use a tablet with the FreshForm application to gain new subscribers and turn those who make a one-time purchase into repeat customers.

Learn more

App Store Google Play


Make a strong impression with automated responses. FreshMail lets you create personal follow-ups that are sent automatically when a subscriber completes an action like joining your newsletter, purchasing a product or other custom scenarios that you define.

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Smart autoresponders

Unique messages

Mass-email templates can (and should be) attractive! Build your own, or choose one of the many unique templates to transform generic messages such as confirming a subscription into a fresh design.

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Unique messages
Manage your mailing lists

Manage your mailing lists automatically

FreshMail constantly guards the quality of your subscriber lists and manages new subscriptions, bounces, unsubscribes, and even spam complaints.

Custom fields

Custom fields

Gather as much information about your subscribers and from as many different sources as you can. Then explore the data and use it in your campaigns.

Data export

Data export

Export your mailing lists from the system whenever you need.

See other functions, options and possibilities
