Email Marketing Automation

Send effective campaigns suited to the needs of your subscribers.

Send messages that your subscribers want to receive. Follow user behavior on the site and get useful information about the preferences and actions of your recipients. Use the potential of Email Marketing Automation, increase the effectiveness of your campaign and achieve your goals.

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Email Marketing Automation

Integration with Google Analytics

By integrating FreshMail with Google Analytics, you will get access to the advanced selection of goals, each of which is completed by a user action on the page. When FreshMail collects and analyzes this data, you will be able to send the right message to the right people at the right time. Send an autoresponder or a dedicated campaign to a strictly defined group. Find out more>>

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Email Marketing Automation

Tracking codes

Do you want to learn more about what your subscribers do after clicking on a link in your message? Add a tracking code (a small piece of script) to your internet page and analyze the behavior of users as they visit. You will be able to confirm that specific subpages were in fact seen and follow conversions in your email marketing campaigns. Find out more>>

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Email Marketing Automation


FreshMail lets you send automatic responses when a subscriber takes action (e.g. downloading a report or subscribing).

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Targeting and segmentation

Divide your subscribers into segments based on declarative or behavioral data. Create fully personalised communications prepared for specific groups and send offers suited to individual recipients.

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Marketing Automation

Loyalty Targeting

Send campaigns to those who matter most. FreshMail lets you target, for example, only those who have opened over 50% of your messages, or those who haven't opened anything.

Full Integration

Use our API or ready-to-use plugins to download your targeting information from your CRM or CMS, e-commerce, or other system.

Tag-Based Targeting

Send your campaigns to people who have taken specific actions with your previous emails according to tag-based metadata.

Behavioural targeting

Create subscriber segments based on their behaviour (e.g. opening an email or clicking a link). Your emails will be directed only at subscribers who fit a behaviour profile.


Get information about where a user opens and reads emails based on location. FreshMail can detect where a user is most often, allowing you to send location-sensitive messages.

Full personalisation

Use the knowledge about your subscribers gathered by FreshMail to send personalised messages, including the subject line, sender address, name, and contents of the email body.

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Full personalisation

Dynamic content

Send messages to your subscribers at the right time under the right conditions. Your email can have an unlimited number of different versions that automatically change depending on your targeting settings.

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  • Paul just bought a TV, so we've prepared something especially for him

  • Sarah just bought a laptop - we have special offer for her

  • We know a little about Camilla's needs - she received our general offer

Other applications

Integrate an unlimited number of applications with FreshMail. Automating the flow of data between applications increases the effectiveness of your campaign and saves time.

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Other applications

Auto-gender detection

Build a fully personal communication by sending messages prepared according to the gender of your subscribers.

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Systemy rekomendacji

Retargeting and Recommendations

FreshMail is integrated with systems that know your subscribers' shopping habits and browsing history in your online store. Add an area for recommended product suggestions tailored just for them.

Język szablonów

Easy Templates

Even without knowledge of HTML, you can use simple word tags that will enable dynamic content in your templates automatically.

See other functions, options and possibilities
