Reports – reports from a campaign

The controller can be used to download reports and lists of sent campaigns.

Downloading lists of sent campaigns

Call: GET /rest/reports/campaignsList/[page]

Data in GET:

page Optional Page of campaign reports, default is first page

In response to the command, the server will send a list of 25 campaigns. Sent data includes:

name Campaign name
topic E-mail subject in campaign
subscribers Number of subscribers sent to
id_hash Unique campaign identification
sent Date of sent campaigns, in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss

Downloading aggregate campaign reports

Call: GET /rest/reports/campaign/[id_hash]

Data w GET:

id_hash Required Unique campaign identifications, available by calling method/rest/reports/campaignslist

Returned data:

subscribers Number of subscribers who received a campaign
delivered Number of delivered messages
hard_bounce Number of hard bounces (
soft_bounce Number of soft bounces (
opened Number of opened messages
clicked Number of clicked links
unique_opened Number of unique opens
unique_clicked Number of unique clicks
resigned Number of subscriber resigns

Downloading subscriber behaviour reports

Call: GET /rest/reports/campaignTimeDetails/[id_hash]

Data w GET:

id_hash Required Unique identifiers for campaigns can be obtained by calling for method/rest/reports/campaigns list

Returned Data – table with subsequent subscriber actions:

"time":"2012-03-26 16:50"},
"time":"2012-03-27 08:30"}

opened Number of opens in a given time period
clicked Number of clicks in a given time period
unique_opened Number of unique opens in a given time period
sunique_clicked Number of unique clicks in a given time period
time Time in the format of “yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii”, in ten minute intervals

Error codes:

1401 Incorrect page number
1402 Campaign with given id__hash does not exist