SMS messages

The controller can be used to send individual SMS Messages. The default for all parameters must be coded in UTF-8.

General notes

Telephone numbers must be in formats of 9 or 11 digits. It is possible to add the “+” character as a country prefix.

The content of individual messages is typically 160 characters or 70 characters if a single special character is used. The maximum is 459 characters (or 200 with special characters) and is sent as three connected SMS’s.

Special characters include any not listed here:

@£$¥èéùìòÇØøÅå_^{}\[~]| ÆæßÉ!"#¤%&'()*+,-./0-9:;<=>?A-ZÄÖÑܧ¿a-zäöñüà

SMS without special characters SMS with special characters
Maximum characters Number of SMS's Maximum characters Number of SMS's
160 1 70 1
306 2 134 2
459 3 200 3

Types of SMS Messages

The gate makes it possible to send two types of messages: ECO and PRO.

ECO messages sent from a random nine-digit number.

PRO messages are sent with a text signature or sender name. This sender name cannot contain more than 11 non-special characters. To use PRO messages, you must announce the signature.

Using SMS messages requires an additional contract, which contains prices for messages of both types.

Sending SMS Messages

Call: POST /rest/sms

Data in POST:

Parameter Required Comments Description
gsm Required Phone number In format +48XXXXXXXXXXX or XXXXXXXXXXX
text Required Message subject
from Optional The SMS Signature
single Optional The sending of single SMS
messageId Optional Message ID String not exceeding 42 characters. It will be returned together with the delivery report

Sample request (made using the Curl library):

curl -v -H "X-Rest-ApiKey:APIKEY" -H "X-Rest-ApiSign:APISIGN" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"gsm":"phoneNumber","text":"Example SMS message","messageId":432523,"from":"Recepcja"}'

Correct answer:


Wrong answer:

         "message":"SMS inscription (from) doesn't exist",

Error codes:

1101 Error in GSM number
1102 SMS content missing
1103 SMS content too long (SMS without special characters)
1104 SMS content too long (SMS with special characters)
1105 Sender name error
1106 Unconfirmed sender name (awaiting verification)
1107 Error in coding of command
1108 SMS content too long (SMS without special characters with single=1 option)
1109 SMS content too long (SMS with special characters with single=1 option)
1150 SMS not sent, awaiting final contract


Sends an MMS message.

Parameter Required Comments Description
gsm Required Phone number In format +48XXXXXXXXXXX or XXXXXXXXXXX
subject Required Message subject String not exceeding 30 characters
image Required Image sent in MMS message String representing an absolute URL to an image
messageId Optional Message ID String not exceeding 42 characters. It will be returned together with the delivery report

Sample request (made using the Curl library):

curl -v -H "X-Rest-ApiKey:APIKEY" -H "X-Rest-ApiSign:APISIGN" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"gsm":"phoneNumber","subject":"Example MMS message","messageId":432523,"image":""}'

Correct answer:


Wrong answer:

         "message":"Subject of MMS message too long, limit 30 characters",

Error codes:

1101 Error in GSM number
1102 The subject of the MMS message is empty
1110 The subject of the MMS message is too long
1150 SMS will not be sent, contract must be signed

Downloading message delivery report


SMS/MMS reports.

Parameter Required Comments Description
startDate Optional Date from which reports will be downloaded In format YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss or YYYY-MM-DD
endDate Optional Date from which reports will be downloaded In format YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss or YYYY-MM-DD
page Optional The page with the results you wish to download, always download page 1 by default

Sample request (made using the Curl library):

curl -v -H "X-Rest-ApiKey:APIKEY" -H "X-Rest-ApiSign:APISIGN" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"startDate":"2015-12-17","endDate":"2015-12-18"}'

Correct answer:

         "send_date":"2015-12-17 13:21:42",
         "modification_date":"2015-12-17 13:24:13",
         "send_date":"2015-12-17 13:27:21",
         "modification_date":"2015-12-17 13:28:01",
                  "text":"Great response",
                  "time":"2015-12-30 07:48:33"
                  "text":"My another response",
                  "time":"2015-12-30 08:34:41"
         "send_date":"2015-12-17 13:27:29",
         "modification_date":"2015-12-17 13:28:02",
         "send_date":"2015-12-17 13:29:01",
         "modification_date":"2015-12-17 13:29:01",
         "send_date":"2015-12-18 09:01:01",
         "modification_date":"2015-12-18 09:01:55",

Fields included in the response

Parameter Description
data Contains all data on the SMS messages sent within a given period
resultCounts Number of returned records in the date field
allData Have all records from the particular the period been returned. The returned data limit is 1000 records. If more records are found in the response, the first 1000 is returned, while the other data should be downloaded using the page parameter

Możliwe statusy wiadomości SMS/MMS:

Parameter Description
NOT_FOUND Invalid ID number of the report expired
EXPIRED Message undelivered as the number was unavailable for too long
SENT The message was sent but the operator has not yet returned the delivery report
DELIVERED The message has reached the subscriber
UNDELIVERED Message undelivered (e.g. invalid number, unavailable number)
FAILED Error during message sending - please report
REJECTED Message undelivered (e.g. invalid number, unavailable number)
UNKNOWN No delivery report for the message (message delivered or not possible to deliver)
QUEUE Messages in the dispatcher queue
ACCEPTED Message accepted by the operator
RENEWAL A call attempt was not answered, another attempt will be made.
STOP  The sending of the message was stopped
ERROR Message has not been sent

If the SMS was not sent (i.e. the message status is ERROR), the reason for not sending the message will display in the additional error parameter. Below are potential message sending error codes:

Parameter Description
INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER Invalid phone number or no phone number
WRONG_SENDER_NAME Invalid sender's name (most likely the signature was not reported)
UNKNOWN_ERROR Message not sent, internal operator error

Pole modification_date:
This field lists the time of the last modification of the STATUS field.

Reply to type 2WAY messages