MailerLite FreshMail and MailerLite are uniting to create the ultimate email marketing platform in Poland

Eliza Gniadek

New from FreshMail – Cycle Autoresponders that automate your email marketing

FreshMail 6.0 will impress you with lots of new features, including the ability to set up cyclical campaigns. As the name suggests, you can now set up emails to be sent to your subscribers automatically at regular intervals that you choose. Just set up the parameters once and then let FreshMail do the rest.

Google Inbox is coming! What is it and what does it mean for you?

Everyone in email marketing needs to know about Google’s latest innovation. This is the first in a two-part series taking a look at the changes that are coming to the way Gmail works and how Inbox might influence the way you communicate with your subscribers.

How to craft the perfect B2B newsletter

B2B newsletters can be an incredibly invaluable marketing tool. Company newsletters are one of the most popular B2B marketing tactics used, and almost 70 percent of marketers agree that newsletters are one of the most effective ways to get a company’s message out.

The psychology of the Call to Action

By designing a 'call to action' the aim is to optimize conversion - you want people to click the CTA, see the offer and buy a product. Take a look at these golden rules to follow if you want to give your call to action that extra element of persuasion that counts for so much in email marketing campaigns.

When does email marketing turn into remarketing?

A great as it would be if every person that visited your site purchased right away, the odds of that happening are rather low. So, you need a way to follow up, shorten that long tail, and convert that lead into a sale. Enter remarketing, which is, more or less, a fancy term for following up on your leads.

Taking Pinterest beyond arts and crafts

Once by invite only, it seems everyone is on Pinterest these days. And while Pinterest is a fabulous way to find decorating ideas, easy DIY up-do’s, projects for the kiddos – you name it, it’s also a great vehicle for marketing and promotions… if you know how to use it.

How to use a blog in your marketing strategy

Blogs are everywhere these days – and if you don’t have one you’re missing a great opportunity to connect with your business audience. However, simply writing “something” does not a blog make – you need to be a bit more strategic with how you use your blog in order to reap the most benefit and make it a true part of your marketing plan.

6 things you should know about HTML code

Let’s say you’ve just opened a new message in your inbox and you are amazed by its layout and the technical solutions used. Or maybe the newsletter you’ve designed displays incorrectly in various email clients and you don’t know what the problem is. The explanations for both situations is the HTML code that was used.

How to reduce the number of people who sign off from your list

Have you noticed that more and more subscribers are signing off from your mailing list? How do you avoid this and keep subscribers engaged? Keep reading to find out the secret of successful email marketers.

Make your newsletter a fancy one by using this free web apps

You don’t need to be a pro to create a fancy newsletter. Many free apps and online tools are available on the internet and all you need to know is where to find them without spending too much time searching. Check out these apps and pick one to give your newsletter that extra “something” you’ve been missing.

The spam trap – what it is and how not to get caught

The ongoing fight against spam rages on. We all do our best to reduce the number of unwanted emails sent through the internet. One of the tools used to outsmart spammers is the  so-called spam trap. Read our article and find out more.

14 free content marketing tools

Content marketing becomes more and more important part of digital marketing. That's why it's good to know some tools which will help you to enrich your content marketing. We described a few helpful tools to support your work on interactive photos, graphics and iconographics.

Permission marketing – do it right!

Read about permission marketing. Only this way ensures the optimization of results, the favor of subscribers. What’s the most important, it means no worries about legal matters.

16 helpful tools for creating newsletters

Nowadays, newsletters and mailing creation is pretty easy. All because of available tools supporting a work of designers and programmers. Most of them are really easy to use and don’t require any technical knowledge, giving you professional results at the same time.

The most effective ways to advertise online

Are you a novice entrepreneur considering making investments so that the customers will find out about you? Or maybe your current business is in need of a push and you are looking for the most effective ways to advertise? The following post will deal with the question how to do it online.

Newsletter, mailing or autoresponder?

Email marketing is becoming more credible. The campaigns in which it is present are rewarded in a variety of contests. The results of the campaigns, which are described in the reports, speak for themselves. It is difficult to question the thesis that email marketing sells and is useful.