MailerLite FreshMail and MailerLite are uniting to create the ultimate email marketing platform in Poland

Eliza Gniadek

Why you need to know all about Permission Marketing book

The Permission Marketing book is obligatory for every e-marketer. It’s a new perspective on the challenge of forming the most effective marketing campaigns.

Important dates in ecommerce

Some dates are more important than others when you’re planning a strategy for your ecommerce. We’re going to take a look at important dates in ecommerce that should definitely be circled on your calendar.

13 Inspiring Examples of Effective CTAs

Do you want to increase the number of clicks in your email marketing campaigns? Focus on creating a better Call to Action. This small part of your newsletter is a major part of its success.

How subscribers see mistakes in your campaign

Have you thought about how the mistakes in campaign look from the perspective of your subscribers? How they might react to them and what conclusions they might draw? Let’s try to see things from their point of view.

Email marketing for NGOs

Email marketing is one of the most effective direct marketing channels available. See more about best practices and how to use email marketing for NGO.

How to prepare a great webinar

Do you want to increase the awareness of your brand, make contacts and attract new customers? Start organising webinars! See what webinars can do for you, how to prepare them, which platforms to use and how to promote them.

The role of colours in newsletters

The shades and hues used in your newsletter have an influence on how it is received by your subscribers. Take a look at colours in newsletters and how brands use them.

8 threats you can avoid if you use email testing

If you think that to test campaign before you send it is a waste of time, you need to learn about these 8 threats you can avoid if you use email testing

How to improve your email marketing ROI

According to DMA, the average ROI put into email marketing campaigns is 3800%. Let's take a look at how to increase your own results and achieve significantly higher returns on your investment in email marketing.

Email marketing best practices

Take a look at what you should pay careful attention to when designing your newsletter templates and be sure that you’re not making basic mistakes while learning about best practices in email marketing right here in our latest infographic!

Fonts in email marketing

Using the right font is sometimes a hard a task but always an important one. We’re going to cover some of the basic rules of using fonts in email marketing. You’ll get to know the different kinds and learn which ones display best on multiple devices.

Chrome plug-ins to make the work of e-marketers easier

Chrome is one of the most popular internet browsers in the world. We’ve put together 17 plug-ins that help Chrome to do more to make your work with text and graphics easier.

30 Influencers You Should Follow on Twitter

We collected a list of 30 influencers who will inspire you to find innovative solutions to promote your company, give you advice and gladly answer your questions. Here’s some great information about content and video marketing, growth hacking, seo and social media.

Guerrilla marketing – get people talking about you!

Do you want to jumpstart your marketing without too much of financial investment? Do you need to get some buzz going around a particular project or launch? Are you trying to get the word out about a new product? Read about guerrilla marketing.

Relationship marketing – what is it and how can you use it?

Different kinds of marketing campaigns work in different ways and we can divide the field into a few distinct branches, like relationship marketing. What is relationship marketing? It focuses on personalized communication with each customer. It It aims to build, develop and maintain the relationship between the customer and the company - development which benefits each party.

Cost per click vs. cost per impression

Are you getting the most out of your online advertising initiative? If you are focused too heavily on cost per click, chances are you are missing out on at least part of the revenue your content could be generating. The same holds true for relying too heavily on cost per impression. There are clearly instances when one method or the other will work more to your advantage.

8 effective Facebook marketing strategies

Facebook has become a major player in Internet marketing, with some people reporting average ROIs in the 200 percent category and sometimes better. It has become a driving force in conversions and a vital element in many companies’ branding and content strategies.

Google Inbox continued… What does it mean for marketers?

Google Inbox and its new features will bring big changes to email account management. In the second article about Google Inbox we continue with a more detailed examination of the changes to the world email marketing that it could bring and what those changes might mean for marketers.

Christmas present for every marketer! [infographic]

December is a time of presents, wishes and positive energy. That’s why we would like to give something to you too! Take a look at what you can find under the FreshMail Christmas tree.