Joanna Wójcik
5 tips to increase site traffic with your content
Back to list of articlesHigh-quality content is your most valuable asset and if it’s original and evergreen, they’ll be timeless. It is also an efficient way to direct visitors to your business. Check out these 5 tips on how to utilize content to drive traffic to your website.
Whether you’re in an cutting edge industry or traditional one, content marketing should be essential to your marketing efforts. Sure, talking about manufacturing steel, replacing a bathtub, or fixing a broken door doesn’t sound fun, but there’s always someone searching for everything you can imagine. Whether they’re into DIY and fixing their own problems at home or doing research on future purchases, people are constantly looking for more information.
Content is what users are searching for
One of the marketing goals that businesses want to achieve is to appear on the first page of search engine results pages. This results in a higher chance for their website link to be clicked on, thus driving potential customers to their website.
When it comes to the success of a business’ search engine optimization, content will always play a crucial role. If you want to attract more users to your website, your business needs to create content that users are searching for. This high-quality content you create can help establish your business as an authority and source of expertise.
When you’re creating content for your website, it’s important to ensure that you’re optimizing relevant keywords or long-tail keywords that you’re trying to rank for. You want to create evergreen content that can remain relevant. The more trustworthy or relevant your website is for search engines, the higher you will show in SERPs.
The role of content here is to help you show in the top results of search engines. This way, you can attract more users to your site when they search relevant terms and keywords.
Obtain quality backlinks
Backlinks is another way search engines determine how trustworthy and relevant your website is. The amount of quality backlinks you have directing to your website can help boost your rankings in search engines. However, keep in mind it’s about the quality and not the quantity of links you get.
The best way to have other authoritative sites to link to you is if you create compelling, relevant, and amazing content that’s worth linking to. The more value your content provides, the more it will be shared on social media. If other experts in your industry are sharing your content, then chances are it will increase the opportunity for your article to be linked by another site.
Boost your site traffic with social media
There’s an 80/20 rule when posting on social media. Twenty percent of your posts should promote your brand and eighty percent should be some type of engaging content to drive a conversation with your audience. Instead of writing promotional social updates like “We sell for less! Buy our product now,” you can share your content as daily social updates.
Blog posts are great ways to create daily or weekly posts on your website. Depending on how often your blog posts are published, you can share them with your fans on social media when they go live on your site. This way, your audience and fans are getting the most up to date content and articles from you. By sharing it on social media, you can drive your fans to your website. In addition, if you’re promoting your posts or using Facebook advertising, your content will reach a wider audience and drive them to either your Facebook page or website.
Collaboration or quoting influential people
Oftentimes when you’re writing an article, you may link to other sites that can prove your statement to make the point of your blog more powerful. When you quote influential people in your industry, it’s important to connect with them by informing them that they’ve been quoted. This is a great way to have them share your content through their social media accounts and with their users.
Experts in the industry tend to have tens of thousands of followers and fans on their social media platforms. If you create a compelling article that you’ve quoted them on, they’ll be more than happy to share the article with their audience. This can increase the reach of your content and awareness of your website.
Email your subscribers with updates
Many people forget about how powerful email marketing can be because they’re focusing too much on social media. The key is not focusing on one strategy or the other, but utilizing both.
Using your content to create email campaigns is a great way to share your blogs and articles with subscribers. If you send weekly newsletters sent to your subscribers, you can fill them up with your blogs as a weekly update from your business. It lets them know that you’re creating new and useful content for them.
For example, if you have a blog or page on your website talking about the recent changes or updates to your business, you can send an email to your subscribers to notify them. UI8 has an email campaign that was sent to their users about the new things happening in their business. You can send these types of content updates to your email list and have a “learn more” or “read more” button to drive traffic to your site.

Newsletter: UI8
Content marketing is one of the most successful strategies to market your business. Not only will it establish you as an expert in the industry, but drive more people to your website. Its versatility, ability to retain customers, increase sales, and integrate with your other marketing strategies makes content a must for your business.