Maria Wąchal
Email marketing insights from Kath Pay, Jordie van Rijn and Guy Hanson attending MailMyDay
Back to list of articlesMail My Day is the conference designed to educate email marketers and explore latest strategies that drive increased email engagement. Unstoppable email popularity was backed up by almost 500 attendees who came to discover email trends and exchange experiences when networking with the industry leaders.
Kath Pay, Jordie van Rijn and Guy Hanson filled us with loads of email wisdom attending Mail My Day conference in Warsaw! For the fifth time we’ve met in a community of emailgeeks who wanted to supercharge their email knowledge. And again we left the event smarter and inspired to make our email programs greater.
Inboxes are a highly competitive field. The battle for recipients attention is on and implementing the right strategies is crucial to benefit from email’s potential. And the potential is huge:
Huge #ROI from #EmailMarketing @GuyHanson from @returnpath on #MailMyDay
— Mail My Day (@MailMyDay) March 22, 2017
Last Wednesday we’ve discovered email marketing insights and joined the discussion about the pillars of good email marketing:
- Personalization: How personalization can enhance the customer’s experience (Kath Pay, Holistic Email Marketing)
- ROI: How to use a MAP in email? Minimal Awesome Promotion - (Jordie van Rijn, EmailMonday)
- Deliverability: What are the Myths and Facts about Email Deliverability (Guy Hanson, Return Path)
Put your customers first
Being customer-centric is nothing new, but it is becoming increasingly important in today’s age of the customer. Kath reminded us about the golden rule, every (email) marketer should follow - the customer has to come first. .@kathpay: "Grab recipient's attention with #personalization - deliver timely and relevant #email" | #mailmyday Click to Tweet Even if you implement the latest technologies and innovations but you forget about the customer’s experience, your strategy won’t deliver results. Customer attention is an increasingly scarce commodity. To succeed deliver relevant, timely and PERSONALISED marketing. It’s the personalization that makes email content and any other content on the web interesting for the reader.
Instead of focusing on our own objectives, we need to look to our customers and ask ourselves, "How can we help them achieve their objectives? Everything we do must help our customers make decisions, meet needs and achieve goals. Remember – if we help our customers to achieve their goals, then we will achieve our goals.
Kath Pay - email marketing consultant and founder of Holistic Email Marketing
74% of online consumers get frustrated with websites when content appears that has nothing to do with their interests. Avoid that and be sure to provide value through personalization.
Hey #emailgeeks, do you prefer personalization done covertly or overtly? #creep vs #serendipity #MailMyDay — Maria Wachal (@wachal_maria) March 22, 2017
Use the right data to benefit from email programs
The problem every email marketer wants to solve is to provide Subscriber Opt-in Lifetime Value via Email. Jordie showed us a MAP (Minimal Awesome Promotion) which leads email marketers to the point of high conversion. He explained crucial resources and data points marketers need to deliver important reads to their recipients.
Data is the new currency. There is a lot of value in gathering and using the right data about your subscribers, especially from their behaviour. You can tease people and challenge them to show you what products and content they are interested in. Email marketing is tease marketing.
Show your categories or product types in the mail, every click is a vote of interest. Next step is to show more of what they liked and they will reward your program with conversions in return.
Jordie van Rijn - email marketing consultant and founder of
#MailMyDay by @jvanrijn how to be Emailstein :D
— Gosia Augustyniak (@Gosiek1011) March 22, 2017
Picking the right tactics that allow you to scale up is extremely important in email. You can do everything as long as you are able to execute well. In order to do so you should understand what is really the problem. Gather the right data and then build something that works, but is not necessary all fancy and shiny. "Just" effective and relevant. .@jvanrijn: "Minimal Awesome Promotion = use the right #data to tease with #emailmarketing | #mailmyday Click to Tweet
Pay attention to your Sender Score and ultimately deliverability
If mailbox providers and your recipients start treating your legitimate messages as spam, your deliverability will suffer. This represents a significant opportunity cost cut out of the ROI email marketing offers. Mailbox providers, especially Gmail wants to ensure that only valuable and interesting content reaches customer's inboxes.
#gmail gets #email engagement right! And it's #inbox of choice of your future customer #MailMyDay #emailgeeks — Maria Wachal (@wachal_maria) March 22, 2017
Guy presented us myths and facts about deliverability and provided tips to help your messages reach inboxes instead of spam folders.
Return Path’s most recent Deliverability Benchmark report, shows that only 79% of legitimate marketing emails are achieving inbox placement globally, with a slightly higher success rate (83%) in Europe. However, this still means that 1 out of every 6 emails is not getting delivered, and given that email is such a phenomenal revenue driver, this represents a significant opportunity cost.So what can senders do? The reality is that email deliverability continues to be a practice that combines equal measures of art and science! A good starting point is to understand how the major Mailbox Providers (MBPs) see you as a sender. Your sender reputation is like a barometer for your email program – it shows how you are currently doing, and whether you are trending positively or negatively. Your reputation is reflected by your Sender Score, which operates on a scale from 0-100, with best-in-class senders typically found in the 90-100 bracket, and enjoying average Inbox Placement Rates (IPRs) of 95+%. You can find out what the Sender Score for your email program looks like at
Many factors influence your Sender Score, but the most important ones are: spam complaints; spam traps; unknown users; good sending infrastructure, presence on whitelists/blacklists, and subscriber engagement. Improving performance against these criteria will lead to better deliverability, and enhanced program performance.
Guy Hanson - Senior Director, Return Path
Email can be a huge success story if you're a good sender. Consider applying for accreditation with Return Path’s Certification program. This is a global white-list recognized by major MBPs such as Microsoft, Yahoo, and AOL as well as many local providers as well. Senders benefit from reduced filtering and increased throughput rates, generating significant uplifts in deliverability, as well as other important metrics such as open and click-through rates. Learn more about Certification at
#emailgeeks, join us on #EmailMarketing Day in London, June 14th Click to Tweet