Eliza Gniadek

SPF, DKIM, and DMARC tools – what are they and why are they useful?
FreshMail uses three types of protection: SPF, DKIM and DMARC. Discover what these abbreviations stand for, how each security feature operates and what benefits it can give you.

Effective newsletter? Ensure deliverability!
As a sender, your actions have a real impact on the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy. Adhering to good email principles and paying attention to the issues will certainly have a positive impact on the delivery of your emails to mailboxes – and thus guarantee effective newsletter.

Why email list segmentation is a must
There is no downside to segmentation, only benefits. It brings greater results while helping o keep your email list in good order as it grows. It’s easy to do and skipping it means you’re not getting the results you should.

Magento 2.x Plugin – Integrating With FreshMail is Easy!
If you use Magento to run an online store, we have great news! Our new Magento 2.x plugin is ready to make your integration with FreshMail easier than ever!

Lead scoring – when is “lead” ready to become a “customer”?
Your mission as a marketer is to move interested consumers through sales funnel to not only turn them into customers, but even further into ambassadors for your brand. How can you measure their progress along this path? This is where lead scoring comes in.

A few words about what NOT to do in email marketing
Today we’re going to look at some of the poor practices and strategies that are sometimes adopted in email marketing and show how they hurt senders in the end despite looking like a shortcut to success.

Reading campaign reports in FreshMail
The feedback you get from every campaign is a crucial part of your ability to fine tune the settings for your next one. So let’s go right to how to read campaign reports in FreshMail.

How to design an email – rules for creating content and graphics
How to design an email? How to write content and create graphics to get the results you want? In this article you will find the answers to these questions.

Valentine’s Day newsletter in 3 easy steps
Ready to fall in love with our ideas for Valentine's Day newsletter we've put together for you?

3 basic B2B email marketing mistakes and how to fix them
Let’s look at the cardinal mistakes that can make it hard to get the most out of your email marketing campaigns and impact your bottom line.

Awesome FreshMail Features You Probably Didn’t Know About – Part 2
Let's see the awesome email marketing features in FreshMail that will let you send effective campaigns which your recipients will love.

Awesome FreshMail Features That You Probably Didn’t Know About – Part 1
Awesome email marketing features to know in FreshMail - become a pro-user and send effective campaigns your recipients will love to receive.

Great examples of Christmas email marketing campaigns
If you’re wondering just what your holiday message should look like and you want to get the best response, maybe you’ll find some inspiration from this collection of effective and attractive email campaigns we’ve put together.

How to improve the B2B sales funnel with email marketing
Let’s take a look at the main stages in gaining new customers, what goals you should have for each of them and how email marketing can help in turning anonymous recipients into loyal customers.

How to take advantage of the holiday season in eCommerce
The beginning of November marks the beginning of the most important time of the year for retailers. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas and post-holiday sales will make a huge spike in traffic. How to take advantage of it?

Black Friday Campaigns that are irresistible
Let's focus on 10 examples of Black Friday email marketing campaigns that are irresistible. Who knows, you might find just the inspiration you need for your own campaign!

Cold mailing for beginners – what to do to get recipients to write back
Let’s take a look at what you need to do to send a cold mail that will interest the recipient enough to get a reply.

[Free e-book] Use information about subscriber behaviour and get to know how to boost sales in ecommerce
Download the free e-book and learn how to use information about subscriber behaviour and get to know how to boost sales in ecommerce.

Create newsletter template with HTML
A well-coded newsletter template is the key to success for any email marketing campaign. It has to display properly on computer monitors as well as mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Here you will find the basic rules of creating newsletter templates using HTML.