Maria Wąchal
What to expect in email marketing in 2017
Back to list of articlesDespite email being around for almost 50 years, it’s still essential part of brands marketing mix. Email is like Keanu Reeves among digital channels - continuously delivers an outstanding performance enabling marketers to reach and engage their audiences.
2016 was a successful year for email marketers. Super personalized emails and customer centric approach paid off. Email Marketing Census 2016 presented that in majority of sectors, email delivered higher ROI in comparison to previous years. 56% avg, with Print and Publishing Media showing the largest spike of improvement.

Source: Email Marketing Census 2016 by
What to expect in email marketing in 2017?
If you are as curious as we are to find out what 2017 holds for email marketers, we invite you to read:
and learn from the insights of the most influential email experts who share their predictions to 2017.
Among others, you can find our CEO, Paweł Sala, pointing out the importance of the usage of relevant data in successful email strategy for 2017:
“With the relatively lowering costs of big data technology it seems that finally we will be able to see comprehensive ecosystems with the work-flow of data between web tracking, social media, BI solutions, CRM or ERP systems and email marketing. Probably, this process will not end in 2017 and will continue in the coming years.
Being able to use and process both the data from email marketing platforms and the data outsourced from integrated apps and services the email communication will be highly personalized and relevant. The focus of cutting edge Email Service Providers will be on implementing machine learning technology to better estimate and answer the needs of email recipients.”
Greater relevance with data-based personalization
In 2017, we can expect more technology being used to deliver hyper-personalised customer experience. Consumers already prefer email over other digital channels to receive communication from brands. To remain this trend marketers cannot take it for granted.
They rather should continuously be proving their consumers that yes, by joining email list, they will always receive special and tailored treatment. Delivering greater relevance and personalization in the coming year will be the biggest challenge for marketers.