Using symbols in the subject line of your email

Do you want to add a little something different to the subject line of your message? Learn how to creatively use message symbols in order to stand out in your subscriber's inbox.

Differentiate or die

Originality in email marketing is essential but your have to use some judgement. There is a fine line between what looks like a proper email and what looks like spamSpamNiechciana wiadomość komercyjna. Zdarza się, że odbiorcy uznają za spam każdy mailing, którego nie chcą już więcej otrzymywać, nawet jeśli wcześniej zapisali się do listy odbiorców. . It's important not to let your creative urge go too far.

Attract attention

The subject line of your email is part of the first impression of your mail formed by your recipient. It is not always easy to think of an original subject line and sometimes you may want to use the help of special characters.

Symbols in the message subjects

Unicode symbols certainly attract the eye of a client, who will quickly notice a subject line different from the others in his inbox. You have lots of options but remember that some of them - like %%% $$$ *** - may cause your mail to be marked as spam.

How to insert symbols

Using the FreshMail system you have two options:

1. Add a symbol from the system

FreshMail will help you to directly add a special character at the message creation level. In the first step of the campaign creator, 'Parameters', click on the 'Insert symbol' icon. Choose the symbol you want and you will automatically add it to the content of the message subject.


2. Add a symbol from an external library

The alphabet of Unicode symbols is extensive, so your subjects can be enhanced by any number of options. As an example and a good source of symbols, we suggest

Just click the symbol you want, which will automatically save it to the clipboard. Then, going back to the system, in the place of message subject, you will perform the following action: CtrClick-through rate (CTR) Wyrażona procentowo ilość osób, które kliknęły np. reklamę kontekstową lub link sponsorowany w stosunku do liczby ich wyświetleń w wiadomości wysłanej w ramach danej kampanii. Im wyższy CTR, tym więcej wejść na reklamowaną stronę. + V, and the symbol will immediately appear in the message window.

Type of symbols

Test, test, test

When creating a new topic you need to remember that different target groups are characterized by different behaviours. Adding special characters is not always the best idea. If you are not sure how your recipients will react, just test two variants using A/B testing. This will tell you which version performed better and it will help to increase your Open RateOpen rate (OR)Procentowy wskaźnik, który pokazuje stosunek unikalnie wyświetlonych wiadomości do wiadomości wysłanych. .